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Opera night for Jakarta music enthusiasts

Opera night for Jakarta music enthusiasts

Rilwan Hamzah , Contributor , Jakarta | Thu, 03/27/2008 1:02 AM | Headlines

There's good news for Jakartan fans of opera and musicals this week, with young Indonesian singers and a visiting Austrian flutist set to perform in a mixed-genre concert on Thursday night.

The first part of the concert, presented by the Resonanz Music Studio, will consist of opera compositions taken from famous operas by Mozart, Puccini and Verdi, with solos, duets and a quartet accompanied by pianist Avip Priatna.

The second part of the concert will showcase musical pieces taken from various composers, with most of the compositions newer and lighter in mood.

Four of the singers are leading members of the Batavia Madrigal Singers (BMS): soprano Fitri Muliati, alto Yosefin Emilia, tenor Farman Purnama and bass Rainer Revireino.

The quartet has won several international choral competitions and performed locally and abroad.

Another soprano, Silvya Wiryadi, born in 1982, will sing solo compositions by Mozart, Puccini and Verdi, as well as duets with the others.

Silvya studied at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing with Zhao Deng Yin as a 17-year-old and later at Tubingen Music Academy and the University of Music in Karlsruhe, where she graduated in 2005. She is currently studying opera at the University of Music in Saarland.

Austrian flutist Gerhard Maier studied flute at the Upper Province Music School and the University of Anton Bruckner Linz in Austria.

Later he graduated from the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. He further studied the piccolo in Frankfurt, Germany, with Thaddeus Watson and performed as a soloist with the Gustav Mahler Jugend Orchester.

He joined orchestras such as the Vienna Chamber Orchestra, the Vienna Chamber Opera and the Singapore Symphony Orchestra.

On Thursday, Maier will perform "Carmen Fantasy", originally composed for violin and orchestra by George Bizet and later adapted for a variety of chamber arrangements. Maier will be accompanied by Adelaide Simbolon Simanjuntak on the piano.

The grand finale will feature all five singers in a quintet accompanied by Avip on the piano, singing "Make our Garden Grow" from the musical Candide by American conductor, composer and pianist Leonard Berstein.

Opera and Musical Night

Thursday, March 27, at 7:30 p.m. at the Italian Cultural Center, Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto 119, Central Jakarta. For further information contact Hermien at 021-70121312 or Rani at 021-7201918